Advanced Patent Licensing 2017

Hosted By: Practising Law Institute

Why You Should Attend

In the current legal environment, with patent litigation on the decline, patent licensing (and related transactions) are heating up. Experts in patent licensing will discuss how to negotiate patent license agreements, review examples of best (and, in some cases, worst) practices, and share current legal developments affecting patent licensing. Practical tips for structuring, negotiating and drafting patent licenses, with strategies for both the licensor and licensee, will be emphasized.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how to monetize patents
  • Hear experts from Silicon Valley’s best companies/firms tell you what to watch out for
  • Find out the litigation trends from recent years affecting IP licensing
  • Understand how specific court cases have (in some ways) expanded and/or (in other ways) shrunken patenting, licensing, enforce​ment and/or patent challenge opportunities
  • Learn how to update traditional patent licensing provisions in light of recent case law
  • Identify frequently contested provisions and how to negotiate them
  • Explore patent and/or license enforcement considerations
  • Evaluate the circumstances pertaining to licensing in the U.S. and abroad

Special Features

  • Hypotheticals: analysis of a patent license agreement
  • Mock patent licensing negotiation

Who Should Attend

This program is geared toward those who need to offer patents for licensing, respond to patent licensing offers, draft and negotiate patent licenses, and enforce patent license agreements. In addition, intellectual property lawyers, corporate counsel, and others involved in the utilization of patents as business assets will benefit from attending.