In the past two years, there has been a significant upswing in interest in federal legislation similar to the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, which has been adopted as the state trade secrecy statute (with slight variations) in nearly every state in the U.S.
Most observers are in favor of such new Federal legislation, for instance because it could provide nationwide service of process and make it easier to deal with defendants who are not in the United States. Nonetheless, some concerns about the potential new legislation have been raised, for example, there is worry that new legislation could upset the balance of employer/ employee rights in some jurisdictions; others think that burdening clogged Federal Courts with yet more cases may not be a good idea.
In March, the White House published a strategy paper on the issue and asked for public comments on this issue. It appears that there is significant momentum to move toward a federal statute in the near future. Please join us for this interactive session where we will discuss the pros and cons regarding such legislation.