This program is directed to patent prosecuting and litigating attorneys and patent agents with or without a Patent Office registration number or little patent experience. It will focus on teaching the basics of claim drafting, patent application preparation and prosecution, as well as a review of recent developments in the law. A litigator’s perspective is presented to show how drafting and prosecution can influence the development, and often the outcome, of subsequent patent litigation. The clinics offer a unique supplement to the kind of hands-on mentoring that senior attorneys are hard-pressed to provide to less-experienced attorneys and agents.
This three-day program will feature lectures each morning followed by small clinic sessions in the afternoon. Both the lecture sessions and the clinics will follow the patent application process - from invention disclosure and patent preparation (Day 1), through prosecution and issuance (Day 2) to litigation/opinion drafting (Day 3). Homework is different for each location and is specially designed to complement Chicago, New York City and San Francisco.
The lectures are designed to provide a review of the patent preparation and prosecution process and explain: