Government Contracts: Legal Ramifications for Startups Webinar

Hosted By: StartX

Given the current economic environment, funding sources could wane. To ensure business continuity, companies should consider seeking alternative sources of funding. Startups in particular should also tap federal government opportunities and benefits as these provide an attractive funding source without diluting equity. But, what are the practical applications and long-term implications of taking government funding? And what are the legal and compliance issues to be aware of? During this program, government contracts & public sector procurement partner Joyce Tong Oelrich will discuss:

  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) applications and other government funding programs
  • Security and Cyber Policy requirements such as FIPS 140-2/140-3, NIAP, Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) standards and related technical and legal issues
  • Strategies to maximize funding and minimize risk to IP