Metadata lurks in every electronic document, message or post each of us creates and edits - and in every platform and device we use. Whether or not they are litigators, all law department and law firm attorneys and clients are susceptible to breach of confidentiality and malpractice traps. Counsel can protect law firms, law departments, clients and others by avoiding common but critical mistakes as to track changes, PDF conversions, redaction and electronic discovery. Attend this live webinar to learn from an expert how to do your best to eliminate the malpractice, ethical and other risks arising from confidential metadata in word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and PDF files. You will find out how, whenever appropriate, to render your electronic documents metadata-free, the do's and don'ts of electronic redaction and how to warn your colleagues, staff and clients about: the mobile gap; location-tracking; and the accidental cloud (à la Petraeus/Broadwell). You will also gain insight into dealing with opposing counsel's and adverse parties' metadata that has fallen into your lap, and into navigating potential discoverability in litigation of metadata in client-created electronic documents.
This webinar and the accompanying software demos will be displayed for attendees directly from the presenter's computer desktop - via the interactive component of GoToWebinar®, for which Lorman will provide access and installation instructions in advance. This will be the best way to follow along with the program and a link will be provided for you prior to the program date.
To receive a 20% discount on your registration, please use Priority Code 15999 and Discount Code R1524760.