Open Source Security & Legal Risks San Francisco

Hosted By: Fenwick & West LLP

Use of open source to build software applications continues to grow. Forrester Research recently reported that newly built apps are mostly comprised of open source – with only 10-20% consisting of new code. It's not hard to understand why. Organizations recognize the benefits of faster innovation, time-to-market and lower costs that open source delivers.

But the growing use of open source also requires organizations to have new policies and procedures in place to manage security risks. It can be costly for those who don't. Attorneys can play an important role in helping companies develop policies and procedures to mitigate risks related to open source use.

This seminar will help you understand thenew and evolving security risks of open source and how to minimize them, including:

  • Current state of affairs of open source and the legal and security challenges it presents
  • Top open source breaches such as Heartbleed and Shellshock and their related economic and data losses
  • Legal pitfalls of open source use - compliance with license obligations
  • Steps organizations can take to protect against open source security risks
  • How security fits into an overall open source management program