Securities Enforcement Forum West 2016 is a unique, one-day conference in San Francisco, California that brings together current and former senior SEC and DOJ officials, securities enforcement and white-collar attorneys, in-house counsel and compliance executives, and other top professionals in the field. This year’s conference will take place on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at the historic Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.
Securities Enforcement Forum West 2016 will feature Keynotes by Hon. Leslie R. Caldwell, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice; and Andrew J. Ceresney, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.
It will also feature an extraordinary ”Directors Panel” that will include five current and former Directors from the SEC’s San Francisco and Los Angeles Regional Offices: Jina L. Choi, Director of the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office; Michele Wein Layne, Director of the SEC’s Los Angeles Regional Office; and former SEC Regional Directors Marc J. Fagel, Randall R. Lee, and David B. Bayless. The conference will also feature a stellar faculty – including an extraordinary number of current senior SEC enforcement officials and federal prosecutors and over a dozen other luminaries in the securities enforcement field — who will discuss the most important issues now facing attorneys and professionals who work in this area.