Social distancing and the stay at home movement, the cornerstones of our strategy to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, have and will continue to have a profound impact on entertainment and in-person events — from the cancellation of all major sporting events to musicians using social media platforms to perform concerts from their homes to the growth of esports viewership, both entertainers and fans will need to interact with each other in new and innovative ways.
Technology’s integration into the industry has always played a supporting role, but this new norm has the potential to fundamentally change the way fans experience and engage with entertainment and the way that entertainers and providers deliver it. Join us as our panel of seasoned investors and experts from across the industry share their views on the current situation, the role of technology and how they think it will shape and impact the future of entertainment and live events. Our discussion will be moderated by technology transaction partners Jennifer Stanley and Vejay Lalla.