Almost every ACC member, regardless of area of responsibility or level of seniority, will have to deal with the divergences between the US and European legal and regulatory data privacy regimes at some point. If your business touches the EU in any way – from having a single European employee to a single European customer – you need to be aware of the differences between both regimes.
In this panel, experts from the privacy teams at leading Irish law firm, A&L Goodbody, and Fenwick & West, together with counsel at Zoosk, Inc., will discuss and consider these differences. They will look at the legal and political differences between the European and US administrations – from the approach in the seminal Schrems v Facebook case in Europe to the ongoing Microsoft litigation in the US. The panelists will discuss the issues that ACC members face, how best to deal with the divergences between US and European laws, and how to come up with a globally compliant data privacy strategy.
Please register as a non-member and use the promo code ACCALG18 for complimentary admission.