SF Picks Side of Privacy with Ban on Facial Recognition Tech

Fenwick privacy and cybersecurity counsel Hanley Chew spoke to Law3​60 about San Francisco’s recent decision to ban city departments from using facial recognition technology, making it the first city in the United States to enact such a ban.

Of the decision, Chew said, "It's the classic bouncing test between security and privacy, and San Francisco is weighing in on the side of privacy. This type of bouncing test is probably going to be happening as technology advances in more and more cities across the country right now."

Chew also pointed out that instead of prohibition, privacy protections for individuals who aren’t involved in an investigation and guidelines for what the government can do with facial recognition information could be beneficial.

According to Chew, the key is maintaining a balance between protecting people’s privacy and allowing law enforcement to intrude in order to investigate crimes.

The full article is available through the Law360 website​.​​