2nd Annual Stanford Directors College for Venture Backed Company Directors

Hosted By: Stanford Law School

Stanford Law School’s second annual VCDC program is the leading executive education program for venture-backed company directors.

Based on Directors’ College, the nation’s premier executive education program for directors and senior executives of publicly traded firms, this program will focus on practical solutions to governance issues that commonly arise among private venture-backed companies from early stage formation until exit through acquisition or IPO.

Topics for 2015 will include:

  • The Changing Ecology in the Valley: Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Strategics
  • Fiduciary Duties an​d Conflicts of Interests in Silicon Valley
  • Secondary Liquidity for Founders and Employees
  • Crisis Planning and Management for VC Firms
  • IPOs, Governance Structures and the Rising Power of the Founders
  • Building a Better Board

Please note that this specialized Directors’ College event will be a one-day session limited to venture capitalists, CEO/Founders, and board members of venture-backed companies. Admission to VCDC is open only to these qualified participants as determined by the program co-directors.