45th Annual Securities Regulation Institute

Hosted By: Northwestern Law Professional and Continuing Legal Education

​​One of the most visible and highly-regarded securities and corporate law conferences in the country, the Securities Regulation Institute reaches prominent attorneys from both firm and in-house practices. From boardroom updates to issues impacting pre-public companies, the Institute focuses on practical advice for all attorneys advising corporate clients on the ever-changing world of securities and business law. During this three-day event, attendees learn from regulators who write the new regulations, judges who interpret the law to resolve complex disputes, and prominent practitioners who guide their clients through the maze of new legislation, regulations, and jurisprudence.​

Fenwick's Gordon Davidson will be participating in a panel titled "Capital Markets: Selected Issues Faced by Late Stage Private Companies". The session will discuss:

  • Staying private vs. going public: key considerations
  • Late stage financings and related securities law considerations
  • Dual-class stock and other governance considerations
  • Liquidity restrictions and solutions; secondary trading best practices
  • Employee equity and retention challenges; Rule 701 update