Intellectual Property Strategies and Considerations for Startups

Hosted By: CEO

In this workshop, Fenwick partner and chair of the patent group Michael Farn along with intellectual property lawyer Fredrick Tsang will take an IP look at the life of a startup beginning before company formation, through fundraising and product release, to exit by acquisition. We will discuss common issues and mistakes made by entrepreneurs, and best practices for avoiding these mistakes.


  • 6:00pm – 6:30pm - Dinner and networking
  • 6:30pm – 6:35pm - Brief Introduction of CEO
  • 6:35pm – 6:40pm - Brief Introduction of Fenwick & West
  • 6:40pm – 7:30pm - Overview and Presentations
  • 7:30pm - 8:30pm - Q & A Session

This workshop, which will be conducted in English, is especially helpful for aspiring startup entrepreneurs. It is co-hosted by Fenwick & West and Chinese Entrepreneur Organization (CEO), a student group based in Stanford University.