Closing Time Podcast: Founder Pitches Community-Led Care for High-Need Medicaid Recipients

In this episode, Neil Batlivala pitches his startup Pair Team, connecting underserved communities to high quality care. Pair Team's innovative approach brings a community-led, virtual care model to the forefront, addressing the interconnectedness of social and clinical care.

This episode covers:

  • Bridging the gap between underserved communities and quality healthcare through community partnerships
  • Integrating community organizations like shelters and food pantries into the healthcare delivery system, with an emphasis on upskilling staff to become community health workers
  • The role of technology in creating shared care plans and ensuring seamless coordination among different care providers
  • Challenges and breakthroughs in engaging high-need individuals, including those without regular access to primary care, and reducing emergency department utilization
  • Building trust within communities, especially amongst populations that have been historically marginalized or overlooked by traditional healthcare systems
  • Pair Team's business model, focusing on sustainable funding and value-based care, and how this impacts their service delivery and partnerships
  • How Pair Team maintains its culture and values while scaling and adapting to new challenges in the healthcare sector

Co-hosted by Halle Tecco and Michael Esquivel, Closing Time is a podcast where you, the listener, get to be a fly on the wall during a startup pitch meeting. Imagine being part of a room where passionate entrepreneurs are pitching their healthcare startups, the innovations that could very well shape the future of healthcare. This podcast allows you to do just that.