Fenwick and several of the firm’s trademark prosecution and litigation partners received top rankings in the 2021 edition of World Trademark Review 1000. Continuing the firm’s consistently high rankings in the review, the WTR 1000 notes that Fenwick “maintains a superlative 360-degree trademark practice.”
WTR 1000 has recognized the firm for the 11th consecutive year, honoring Fenwick regionally and nationally for outstanding trademark prosecution, litigation and enforcement work. The publication awarded Fenwick its highest possible recognition, ranking the firm in the gold tier nationally, alongside just 10 other firms.
Fenwick is also one of just three firms to be gold-ranked in California for prosecution and litigation.
WTR 1000 also ranked trademark partners Sally Abel, Connie Ellerbach and Karen Webb nationally in prosecution and strategy, and partners Andrew Bridges and Jedediah Wakefield nationally for enforcement and litigation.
In the California guide, WTR 1000 ranked trademark partners Sally Abel, Connie Ellerbach and Karen Webb for prosecution and strategy, and partners Eric Ball, Andrew Bridges, Kate Fritz, Jedediah Wakefield and Karen Webb for enforcement and litigation. Fenwick has more gold-ranked partners in California for enforcement and litigation than any other firm.
“A favourite of some of the largest technology companies in the world – as well as some of the most exciting start-ups – its service is as cutting edge as those it represents: it has pioneered new defences to trademark claims; developed unique software to enhance efficiency; and cut costs and shown leadership with respect to diversity and inclusion both within and outside the organisation,” WTR 1000 wrote in its profile of the firm.
“No other firm has as many gold-tier individual representatives, which is testament to its strength in depth and quality.”
WTR 1000 recognized the following Fenwick partners individually:
Sally Abel: The publication ranks trademark group founder Sally Abel among the top trademark lawyers in the United States. She again received two gold-tier rankings for prosecution: in California and nationally. WTR 1000 has honored her among the nation’s top trademark lawyers for 11 consecutive years, each year since the guide’s inception. “As founder of the trademark group, Abel set in motion everything it has become today,” WTR 1000 noted, citing client and market feedback. “She is a global trademark law doyenne with rare gifts when it comes to building value into portfolios.”
Eric Ball: Partner Eric Ball appears on WTR 1000’s list of leading trademark litigators for the fifth consecutive year. “(Ball) is another safe pair of hands for the sorts of cases that can stretch even the most talented lawyers,” WTR 1000 reported. Ball also received high praise from WTR 1000 in past years, noting he is “superb at giving robust, practical advice that nips problems in the bud.”
Andrew Bridges: WTR 1000 ranks partner Andrew Bridges among the country’s best trademark litigators, again recognizing his enforcement and litigation work in the gold tier nationally. He also continues to receive top recognition in California where he is one of just 13 lawyers recognized as gold tier for enforcement and litigation. “Bridges is a leading copyright and trademark litigator with more than 30 years in the game and a pitch-perfect sense of business risk,” WTR 1000 noted.
Connie Ellerbach: For the 11th consecutive year, WTR 1000 recognizes trademark chair Connie Ellerbach among the top lawyers for prosecution and strategy work. She ranks among the top tiers nationally and in the gold tier in California. “Ellerbach has forged great relationships with start-ups and others who appreciate her ability to quickly identify and creatively solve problems; for thorny clearance issues or strategies to get around blocking registrations, she’s the number-one choice,” WTR 1000 reported.
Kathryn Fritz: Newly ranked in California by WTR 1000 for enforcement and litigation capabilities, Kate Fritz’s practice concentrates on business and IP litigation, with an emphasis on trademark, right of publicity and copyright, especially as applied to new technology areas. She represents and advises software publishers, computer hardware manufacturers, gaming and digital media companies, entertainment companies, traditional media publishers and consumer products companies on a wide variety of commercial and IP issues.
Jedediah Wakefield: Chair of both the firmwide litigation group and Fenwick’s trademark litigation practice, Jed Wakefield ranks in the gold tier for trademark litigation, both in California and nationally. Wakefield is hailed as a “consummate professional who knows how to get clients across the finish line through trial,” WTR 1000 reported in its latest guide.
Karen Webb: This year, WTR 1000 honored partner Karen Webb among the top dozen California lawyers for prosecution and strategy work, also recognizing her in the top tiers nationally. Webb also again ranks among California’s best lawyers for trademark enforcement and litigation. WTR 1000 wrote that “Webb – who is also top-rated on the enforcement and litigation side – pays attention to business and gives tailored commercial advice, not cookie-cutter responses.”
World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals is an annual guide published by World Trademark Review honoring the top law firms and lawyers working on trademark prosecution and enforcement matters. In compiling the rankings, WTR 1000 researchers consider information provided from law firms on their work over the past year, insight from other legal professionals and client input. More information on the methodology behind WTR 1000 is available through the World Trademark Review website. Also see the full United States and California rankings.