Fenwick Achieves Rigorous Mansfield 5.0 Certification Plus Status in Recognition of its Industry-Leading Accomplishments in DEI

Fenwick is proud to announce that it has achieved Mansfield 5.0 Certification Plus status from Diversity Lab. This rigorous certification is in recognition of the firm’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and, more importantly to our exceptional colleagues.

Fenwick was there from the beginning at the 2016 Women in Law Hackathon that gave birth to the Mansfield Rule for law firms. Since then, we have led the way in DEI and in elevating the stature of our attorneys. Most recently, over 20 of our women partners were recognized as leaders in their field and in the past five years, 56% of our partner promotions have been women and/or attorneys of color. In 2021, 70% of our lateral attorney-hires were diverse, and in 2022, all of our lateral partners have been women of color. “Our diverse talent and inclusive workplace are core pillars of our Fenwick culture and the innovative service we deliver for our clients. We remain steadfastly committed to furthering the goals that the Mansfield Rule promotes.” said Catherine Kevane and Bomi Lee, partners and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Steering Board co-chairs.

Mansfield Certification Plus status indicates that in addition to meeting or exceeding the pipeline consideration requirements for certification, Fenwick has also successfully reached at least 30% diverse lawyer representation in a notable number of current leadership roles and committees. The goal of the Mansfield Rule is to increase the representation of historically underrepresented lawyers in law firm leadership by broadening the pool of candidates considered for these opportunities.

Fenwick is consistently among the top Am Law 100 firms for diversity and the firm recently ranked No. 1 in ALM Media’s inaugural Composite Ranking Index based on financial and diversity metrics. Fenwick is also ranked among the 50 Best Law Firms for Women of 2022 by Seramount. In addition, the firm has consistently earned a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index. More information about Fenwick’s diversity and inclusion efforts is available on fenwick.com.

More information about Mansfield 5.0 Certification Plus is available from Diversity Lab​.